In the twist and turns of the Chris Brown & Rihanna drama we've heard from Kanye, T.I, but now Jay Z. Accordingly to U.S. Weekly Jay said “He hit the roof. Chris is a walking dead man. He messed with the wrong crew.”
This I don't believe. I am a die hard Jay Z and fan, and I've followed Jay since the beginning of his career. The only girl that was ever officially a member of Jay's crew was Amil. As we know that she is no longer apart of his crew. I am taking a stand that I will no longer blog about this. The story on thats being posted is so one sided and until we hear from both Chris and Rihanna, were through with this.
Domestic Abuse is a serious issue, no matter who the parties are that's involved. NO man should hit a woman, and no woman should hit a man. My Grandmother always said if your big enough to hit your big enough to get hit back. No one knows what really happened but Chris Brown and Rihanna. She may be the instigator, he may be. One thing is for sure he is definitely the bad guy. This is America people what happened to innocent until proven guilty.
Who's idea was it to photo shop all those pictures of Rihanna?
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